Cycling tracks and tourism

Educational cycling track Around Trebon 39 km, 22 stops

The track forms a circle in the forest and fishpond landscape east of Trebon. The track leads through little used third class asphalt roads and partly through forest roads and fishpond dams. The track starts on the dam of the Svet fishpond and continues on the Opatovicky fishpond dam. It further continues to the moorland of Spalena borkovna (Spálená borkovna), where the spa peat is being excavated. From here it continues trough a forest way to the Barbora foresters lodge, and then it crosses the Golden canal and continues to the dam between the Novy and Stary Kanclir fishponds and further to the Lutova village (here it crosses the long distance cycling track Prague - Vienna - Greenways), Stribec and Stara Hlina villages. In its way it crosses the Nova reka canal, to which Ema Destinnova used to go fishing and passes the Vysehrad and Stary and Novy Vdovec fishponds. On the dam of the Vitek fishpond it continues to the larges Rozmberk fishpond and around the Nova Hlina returns to Trebon.


Educational route Around the world (Okolo světa) - 12 km, 16 stopps, pedestrian

This educational route consists of an enclosed circle around the Svet fishpond (on the southeast corner of Trebon). The route offers basic information on the current landscape of the Trebon region as a result of a long term, mutually beneficial cohabitation of man with the surrounding nature, about the history and present of fishpond cultivation and baths, on folk architecture, on important body of organisms and characteristic species of plants and the basic ecological relationship towards nature. A significant part of the route leads through fields and forest paths. The route is equipped with benches, many with a view of the surrounding nature. In the park on the southern part of the Svet fishpond you can visit the Schwarzenberg tomb.


Educational route Rozmberk - 22 km , 12 stops, for pedestrians and cyclists

This route starts and finishes in Trebon, its theme is the fishpond cultivation and it is therefore only logical, that it leads around the largest of the Czech fishponds - the Rozmberk (the present water surface area is 420 hectares).

The closest section of the Rozmberk fishpond dam lies about 4 km away from Trebon. The Rozmberk fishpond is in fact a dam on the Luznice river, whose waters are held by a gigantic two stage dam. The dam is not only an imposing technical structure, bud also an important and interesting natural scientific place. It is overgrown with gigantic centuries old oak trees, in whose cavities a number of different birds are nesting. In winter the Rozmberk fishpond turns into one of the centers of the white tailed eagle populations. On the surface of the fishpond you can see a large number of see birds - especially during the fall release of the fishpond thousands of ducks, geese, plovers, egrets and other birds stay here.

Garnihotel Třeboň v Třeboni hodnocení Guest Review Awards 2018